Monday, May 6, 2013

Time Flies

It has been some time since I last wrote, nigh on 3 months. Such is family life. Not a huge amount of time in reality or geological terms though the difference from a one month old to a 4 month old is astonishing!

We are fortunate to have an incredibly calm and happy baby. Whilst our first was similar we dared not say for fear that this one would prove us wrong though he is a great baby and crying only for food, a change or gas. Otherwise a happy and content little man that could not get more love and affection from his 2 year old sister. Obviously there is the whole Nature Vs Nurture debate and what I know to be true from my family and others I have come to know, kids will reflect the parent’s attitudes, demeanor and zest for life. Whatever that may be, essentially calm parents equal a calm baby (colic and other medical conditions excluded).

His wrinkles have now turned to rolls as he fattens up nicely. From 3 months babies can now take a bottle which is great for the Mom as they are able to spend some time away from the baby which is great for the sanity of the family unit as a whole. Obviously the father assumes more responsibility but is great to be able to get out and about with your little dude.

Life does change with kids and even more so with two kids but it’s important that you bring them with you as you go about your life. You still get to do the things that you want and the kids become more socialised and adaptable to new and different situations and environments. In a world with one child it was great when one partner had them with them as they go about their daily activities, the other would be childless, free to spend their time working, running errands, chores, drinking and watching sport, study or exercising. With two it is near impossible to get time to yourself. Looking back one baby is a breeze!

Two are exponentially busier than one and by my own logic the same for 2 to 3 kids, only time will tell. Two years being the difference, the toddler is inquisitive, rambunctious, boundary pushing and a mimic which makes simple tasks a lot more complicated. Preparing dinner can be a task with the toddler singing, dancing, jumping, stretching and otherwise being an angel entertaining themselves if it were not for the fact that they do this whilst standing over a newborn baby. The dog is going nuts at the fence, the buzzer goes, the phone is ringing all at the precise time you start handling the chicken. The good thing is that you have prepared the bottles, water and formula as there is not much worse than waiting for the water to boil, sterilize and then wait for it to cool down enough to feed your screaming hangry child (about 30 mins).

Don't get me wrong  we have our share of kicking, slapping, biting, toys/books to the side of the head of the new comer so keeping them separated is draining and now as the youngster starts to roll they need to be entertained more and in a safer place. Keeping a baby safe and entertained seems to be mutually exclusive unless you are holding them which makes cooking, sleep, eating, keeping a blog, laundry, work, driving, vacuuming and showering to name a few, near impossible.

As hard as it is, tiring, time consuming and believe it or not it does get stressful, it is incredible. Take the time to spend time with your kids as you won't regret it. When they run down the hall with their arms open and yell DADA as you come home, you soon forget the rest.

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